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Messages - Phil

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There isn't much new (or anything that will make skeptics happy, at any rate) in the new article. But that pic is huge, and the first good look I've gotten of the Barnabas portrait.

On the topic of "horror", I'm on episode 875 (deep into the 1897 storyline), and I'm having trouble recounting the last time I've seen anything on the show I'd even classify as "horror"...

Something that we need to remember when it comes to Seth Grahame-Smith is that, if we can go by the comments that he made to Web sites like The Hollywood Reporter, he didn't write an entirely new script - he tweaked what John August had already written.

Certainly he's a hired gun executing the producer and director's wishes, but it was probably a ground floor rewrite, otherwise August would likely still have a union-mandated credit on the film.

I think we agree with each other, MS - without the new creative bood, this would be the same old junk with no indigenous spark. Like it or not, this will be the first true re-interpretation to hit screens.

Now, I am NOT in the least suggesting the original series is worthy of being compared to Shakespeare, but Macbeth is one of my favorites, and I love Polanski's film, Kurosawa's Throne of Blood, and Scotland, PA, all appealing to me for their differences as much as their similarities.

If I were to use the word "betrayal" and a movie in the same sentence, I would apply it to "House of Dark Shadows" which certainly went against what we all came to know and love.  It killed off most of the Collins family and made Barnabas into a super hateful monster, which he wasn't on the series.  That movie was so very different.  Is this new DS movie somehow worse because it has more humor in it?

These sentiments are very close to what I wrote yesterday (article might not be for everyone; apologies if that's the case):

I'm a little bummed that Stokes/Petofi isn't in this one. Patton Oswalt or Jack Black could have nailed a tongue-in-cheek version of either character.

What I don't understand is how Johnathan has allowed himself to be associated with this.

Didn't Frid call DS fans "nitwits" in his last sit-down interview? I don't think he holds the show in the same regard as most of us.

Anyone notice how comparatively toned down Depp's makeup is in the original ensemble photo?

I also like the various portraits of Angelique hanging in her conference room.

The contingent definitely already exists, so the phenomenon of making fun of the show to the exclusion of anything else about it is nothing new, even amongst fans.

That's true, but I consider myself a hybrid of sorts: I'm legitimately charmed by the show, now as when I was a kid, but I also absolutely love the crazy edge of the show's "live on tape" energy, up to and including the bloopers and mishaps. Those elements are inextricable from what I love about the show, and it's why nothing's ever gotten it "right" - not HODS, not the 1991 version, not the 2004 pilot. The original series can never be duplicated, so to me hoping they "get it right" is an exercise in futility.

I don't really care if the new movie does or doesn't bring new fans to the show; all the activity has brought ME back to the show, and for me that's a gift in itself. It's fun to be excited about it again.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:14:03 PM »
But in all seriousness, why must Curtis' "vision" be strictly adhered to in the first place? The Dark Shadows we know and love exists only because Curtis threw a Hail Mary pass on a show he was sure was going to be canceled. I don't need every version of Dark Shadows to open with "a girl on a train" just because that was in a dream Dan Curtis had. And if there wasn't a large faction of fans who loved the silliness and the mishaps, there wouldn't be a collection of bloopers on DVD, or ACTUAL drag shows lampooning the series AT FAN CONVENTIONS.

There's no one way to engage a piece of entertainment. Your way isn't automatically the "correct" way. I met several women at DS fests who told me they, well, engaged themselves while watching the show as teens. And there they were attending a fest 40 years later. Is their passion for the show any less valid than anyone else's? I think Burton and Depp are playing dress up and celebrating the things they loved about the property, and maybe adding a little bit along the way. In any event, robotically recreating the events of the original series with a straight face has been done at least twice before, and the 2004 pilot was also too attached to the source in my opinion. I'm looking forward to something weird and different.

I don't mean any offense, and I respect your passion. But there's an old Faulkner (I think?) quote, where he was asked if he was upset by what the films had done to his books. His response: "They haven't done anything to my books. They're all right there, on the shelf."

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:06:17 PM »

Reviving Dark Shadows with a definitive feature film was Dan Curtis' idea before Depp and Burton got control of it.

Somewhere around 1970, I think...?

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:40:02 PM »

As I understand it, making the DS movie wasn't any Warner Bros. execs' idea, it was Johnny Depp's.  Johnny Depp was the one who wanted to make the movie, and ended up at Warner Bros.  It was Johnny, not Warner, that wanted Tim aboard, wasn't it?

Correct. Depp owned the rights and could have taken it to whatever studio he wished. And his producing partner Graham King is 52.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:06:45 PM »
Either the reviewer had a short attention span or they've made a BIG change...

[spoiler]Michelle Pfeiffer plays Elizabeth, matriarch of the Collins clan, who lives in the mansion with her ineffectual husband, Roger (Johnny Lee Miller), and their two children, David (Gulliver McGrath) and Carolyn (Chloe Moretz).[/spoiler]

Sorry, MB - I think we have a different take on what constitutes spoilers, and as a spoilerphobe myself I had not checked the spoiler thread. Apologies for the duplicate info.

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