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Messages - Phil

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Current Talk '03 I / Re: Classic Blooper edited out on MPI DVD#6
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:58:15 AM »
Yeah, sorry about that. Got a bit overexcited. Glad this was resolved.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Classic Blooper edited out on MPI DVD#6
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:22:45 AM »
The way in which it's been fixed does not compromise the material artistically - no footage is excised and the fix is seamless, so it's sympathetic to the original material.  Technically, the episode should never have been broadcast in that state originally - it was substandard then and it's substandard today.  And where fixes like this can be made seamlessly with today's technology, and without affecting the duration, they should be.

Oh, no. I can't  go along with this. I know I'm three years late, but what the hell.

When you are revising and tampering a show of this age, what you're doing is beyond the measure of artistic merit - you are altering an historical document.  No one is blind-buying this series six sets in. If they're getting Vol 6, they've happily sat through MANY screw ups on this show, and I dare say a hefty portion of the buying audience is looking forward to them.  Did the mad slasher feel that this one blooper would put casual viewers over the edge?

It "sells" the show better to new viewers and allows older ones to enjoy the episodes the way they were intended to be seen.

The first part of that statement isn't valid, for the reasons I stated: No "new" viewer is going to get upset at a foul-up found $250 into the series.  (And even if the sales of this set weren't predicated on the sales of its predecessors, how would cutting the glitch increase sales? Is it promoted on the box? They've already bought the set by the time the fanciful recut is even (not) heard).  The second part of that statement is scary, Lucas-speak. That way lies Greedo shooting first.

No extra profit, no matter how you slice it. This was cut as a point of embarrassment/pride for someone...

Current Talk '03 II / Re: Favorite Set and Music
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:07:02 AM »
Not sure if anyone will even see this, but I'd go with the old house drawing room and basement. Spooked me as a kid.

Are there scans of blueprints of the sets around anywhere?

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1060
« on: July 18, 2006, 06:31:19 AM »
Thayer David found out the hard way that the rumors about Curtis NEVER cutting a scene were, alas, 100% true.

"A pity," Hoffman croaked in her smoker's voice. "All those years in medical school and I somehow never learned the Heimlich Maneuever...."

Hall officially hit the wall on Frid's sad soliloquies about his lost love, pretending to nod off during the scene. It became worse from here, with Hall mouthing Frid's words behind him, and at one point playing "the world's tiniest violin" in response to his anguish.

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0799
« on: July 18, 2006, 06:18:27 AM »
Quentin beamed with pride as he boasted, "Doc said I only had to fill it up to the line, but I filled the WHOLE thing."

I'm sure you lot all grabbed yours already, but I put my extra Barnabas figure up on Ebay, along with one of the 1795 Barnabas figures that came in a weird error box that was half Barnabas, half Quentin.  I post em here for the fanatics or anyone who missed out on this neat collectible...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Thoughts of the Festival...
« on: July 18, 2006, 12:00:07 AM »
I've never been to one, am thinking of going, but it's the same weekend as a horror fest closer to home. But there's another reason I'm hesitant: spoilers!

I am only recently rediscovering the series (was a loyal NJN watcher in the 80s), and there are hundreds of eps I'll be viewing for the first time as I build my dvd collection. (I don't think I made it past Old Man Barnabas back then....) As such, I think there is much that'd be lost on me at the fest. Believe it or not, the main reason I'm considering going is to see the WB pilot!  And possibly House Of Dark Shadows (does anyone know if they're showing a film print or just a tape?)

So if you're feeling recruit-ish, sell me on this fest!

Welcome, Housefly Cameo!   [wavey]

Thanks! I thought a nice chuckle on my first post might buy some goodwill toward all the annoying newbie posts I'll be asking... ;)

... that Man of La Mancha was her favourite musical of all time. Her impromptu rendition of "The Impossible Dream" was, perhaps thankfully, lost immediately by the ABC tape librarians.

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