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Messages - Phil

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: Best DS DVD Interviews?
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:07:36 PM »
I think that is undoubtedly the single worst "interview" on any of the DS DVDs. Anyone could've delivered a "lecture" on the sexual nature of vampires. She didn't say anything that any lit major who's barely stuck their toes into the area of horror hasn't heard before.

Personally, I think the point of interviewing the actors is to draw on their experience as actors in the show, whether that involves their perception of their characters, their experiences while the show was in production, or their feelings about the continued popularity of the series.

Parker's ode to the sensual vampire, as I recall, is pretty much devoid of any direct reference to the series. It comes across as rather self-indulgent.

The content was kind of, uh, peripheral, but hell, I was just glad to see an interview that didn't look like a ransom video. Probably the first one that doesn't look like utter crap. I know most of them were shot in 91 or so, but production value DID exist before then.

And the one right before it with Roger Davis wearing shades and talking about Blade Runner was equally curious.

Ah, I wasn't clear. Thanks for explaining!

Polls Archive / Re: Halloween poll: Dark Shadows scariest moments
« on: October 27, 2006, 04:59:52 PM »
I too LOVE this scene!  In my opinion it's the best 'ghost' scene on DS.  But this wasn't anywhere near when Barnabas showed up.  He wasn't even a bee in DC's bonnet at this point.

I think they mean that they show this scene in the Volume 1 recap, before the Barnabas eps start. That's where newbies like us have seen the clip...:)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Another pic question
« on: October 27, 2006, 04:43:08 PM »
Awesome. Thank you so much!

Polls Archive / Re: Halloween poll: Dark Shadows scariest moments
« on: October 27, 2006, 04:24:14 PM »
Probably the ep I just saw - when Barnabas first rises, and strangles Angelique.  Parker, falling, SLAMS her head on the floor and lolls back, eyes wide open. My estimation of her as an actress instantly went up a couple notches. I mean, it looked like it really hurt, and she sold the gag.

Current Talk '06 II / Another pic question
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:41:47 AM »
What is with the shots of Frid in 1795 clothing hanging around the REAL Old House? He's standing inside, outside, there's snow on the ground...(these pics are on the front and back cover of the Companion - 25th anniversary edition), and I think the pic on the front of the Millenium edition of the Almanac is from the same shoot. I think Volume 7 of the DVDs also features a pic from this. What are they from?

1 - why'd this get moved to "announcements"? Just curious.

2 - When you say you don't see older couples on soaps, it reminded me of an odd phenom. While the men's ages seem to run the gamut, there are, up til Collection 7 or so, at least, no 30-something women on the show. You've got the young 20s, then it jumps to julia hoffman (40s) and Joan Bennett (50s). Where are all the hot 30-something women in Collinsport?

At the fest I bought a bunch of candids from the guy who took them as a child outside the studio. Now I'm curious to see more, and I was especially wondering about that shot of the two of them goofing around at the beach. Any links?

Current Talk '06 II / Re: TCM's Osborne Gives HODS a Nice Intro
« on: October 23, 2006, 05:57:46 AM »
It was cool to see it on, becasue the next day the wife and I were driving up to MA and stopped to check out the Lyndhurst estate. No time to investigate Spratt House ruins, but a fun little field trip.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: About the Dark Shadows DVD's
« on: October 23, 2006, 05:54:45 AM »
My wife and I do rock blocks - we'll watch 2-5 eps in a sitting, on weekends or after work one night. I don't want to take four years to get through them all. And we just cracked the 1968 eps, so I'm officially into episodes I've never seen before! I watched DS in the early 80s syndication (on NBC in NY, then later on NJN), and they never seemed to get into the 1795 storyline without yanking the timeslot around, and I couldn't keep track. We're digging where we are - Barnabas is flopping around his room, post-bat bite.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:18:32 AM »
When I exchanged emails with Craig in July, we talked a bit about his revised edition of "Barnabas & Co.". He said he hoped to have it out in September. Does anyone know the status of the book? I told him I'd buy it the second it came out, and I kinda want to keep that promise.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Had Fun at the Fest
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:50:18 AM »
If I could suggest anything for future fests, I think some sort of screening process for the Q&A sessions would be a big help. Maybe allow people to submit questions in advance, but I guess that could get complicated. Or perhaps a "coach" to stand by the mic and make sure we don't sit through everyone's life stories before they finally get around to asking their questions?  :) 

This would be SO easy to do. Questions could be submitted via the fest's website, and a Q&A "curator" of sorts would schedule out the questions, and focus them on specific performers. Nothing eats up the time more than having EVERY LAST PERSON answer the same question. Frustration is compounded when it's a stupid, pointless or redundant question. Then the Q&A would be conducted more James Lipton-style, and there would be time for interesting answers.

If anyone from the fest is reading, I'm a television producer and would be happy to engineer this for you next year!  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:42:12 AM »
This is terrible. I was only at the fest for a day, but had corresponded with Craig in some emails a couple of months ago. I kept trying to find an opportunity to say hi, but he was either busy at his table with others, or not at his table! So I didn't get the chance to properly say hello in person.

I don't really know the man, but it sounds like he is facing this with a lot of courage and positivity, and I admire him for it.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Bloopers DVD
« on: September 04, 2006, 06:08:20 PM »
  On one of the MPI videos - I don't remember which one - they showed a reshoot of a scene where Julia was having a conversation with Tony Peterson in his office, although I couldn't see what the blooper was. 

That's included on the bloopers DVD under "Outtakes". The picture goes black for a second. An off camera voice says to take it from the top, and Grayson Hall icily says "WHY?".

I saw evidence of an edit recently - it's on collection 4, old house, Barnabas and (I think) Vicki, shortly before 1795 kicks in. It's an awkward cut from a medium shot of the two of them two another medium shot of the two of them in a slightly different position. It seems to be an edit that happened at the time, but I can't decipher the reason.

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