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Messages - yendor

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Of course, David! And how about a nice review for a certain book by a certain author? Hint: DON'T TELL!


Heads-up, everyone! I just got word that SCARY MONSTERS magazine #55 will be a special DARK SHADOWS edition! Not only will it feature a gorgeous painted wrap-around cover, but it will also feature four of my DS articles, including full length interviews with KL Scott; Marie Wallace, and David Selby.

The issue will be on sale in July, and at present, I'm working on SIGNED/LIMITED AND NUMBERED copies that will be available for this year's DS fest!

More info as I get it. In the meantime, check out Marie's website for details.

Rod :D

I wanted to modify my last post, but I guess the time limit has expired! Anyway, I did some research on "Laura Olsher" and found some interesting tidbits. It seems Ms. Olsher narrated quite a few Disney recordings in the 60's, the Haunted House one included. She also did the voice of "Mrs. Cratchit" in "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol," which I just watched last Christmas. Last night, I popped it into my DVD player and voila! I heard the same voice from the record!

Ms. Olsher also recorded those foreign language records we had in french class during the 60's...the one's that would start out "Ecoute!" Does anyone else remember those? I thought her voice sounded terribly familiar.

Rod ;)

[Text edited by Midnite]
 argumentative despite repeated warning; posts inflammatory comments despite repeated warnings

Thanks for the welcome, you guys! And Jackie, it's good to hear from you! Is the Yahoo group still going?  The Barnabas Undead site was neat; I originally went there to do research for my article and got sucked in to all the discussion.

As for the article, I made an offer to FilmFax, which I hope they take (I'll find out this week). If they don't, then I'm sending it over to a magazine called "Scary Monsters." They'll print it in their summer and fall issues. We'll see what happens!

Rod ;D

Excellent info, Bette! You've cleared up the mystery!  ;)


Point taken, Midnite!

Rod ;D

I also went through the archive and found nothing about Grayson's involvement with that record. Nice articles, tho!  ;D Thanks for posting them!

Guess we'll just chalk all of this to Urban Legend.


If the "proof" that Grayson did this album is contained in a 35 year old magazine interview, why doesn't anyone post the article? How do we all know that Grayson even gave such an interview? I don't have the magazine in front of me to verify. It's not on the Internet. In fact, there's absolutely NOTHING on the web connecting Grayson with this recording.

Even with the delivery "sped up" for a record, the vocal inflections is all wrong. Listen to the narrator when she says the fuse is going out: "I'll blow it into life," she says--and no way is that Grayson.

Until I read the actual interview, it's all conjecture...or faulty memory. Where are the facts? I think people like to "wishful think," and that's fine. Stuff like that adds to legends, right?

Rod ;D

9 the "evidence" of Grayson's involvement with this record is in a 35 year old magazine. Oookay.



That is indeed the album that's only turntable right now (yes, I have a turntable--I'm 52!). And as for "evidence," I can only go by my own ears, and sorry, but it doesn't sound like Grayson to me. And I honestly can't see how anyone can say it is once they've listened to it. Let's see some "evidence" where Grayson said she did the record! That would put an end to the discussion, eh, wot?


I dunno...I just listened to the album and am not convinced it's Grayson. The Chinese Water torture sequence is there with the Chinese babble, and it doesn't sound at ALL like Grayson.  Even sped up. The first copy I had of this bit the dust in 1972, and we'd had it since approximately 68 or so. Even then, I never thought it was Grayson (and remember, this was during DS), though I did think the voice was SLIGHTLY similar. And only slightly!

One interesting tidbit--when I played the part where the cats fight, my Siamese began looking around and then shot out of the room!


You know, for years I thought Grayson did the voice-over on that Disney record (we wore it out something like 30 years ago, I swear). But I recently purchased a copy from eBay and gave it a listen. It doesn't sound at all like Grayson!  Are you sure your roommate received a letter from Disney veryifying that? I'm listening to it right now, and while the voice has the same timbre, the wordings and cadence are completely different. The actress doing this voice-over is someone I recognize from early Disney offerings, like "The Wonderful World of Color," his TV show from the early 60's.

I'm quite familiar with Grayson's speaking voice, having heard it multiple times on DS and in NOTI, not to mention Gargoyles, etc. If you have the Disney record, give it a lesson. I'm positive you'll know that isn't Grayson, and her involvement in the project is nothing more than an urban legend.


Hi, Tori, uh, I mean, Misa! Thanks for the welcome back. The Barnabas Undead forum was fun, huh?  How many people from there are over here?


Boom! is considered one of the worst movies ever made! It destroyed the momentum Liz and Dick had built from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and tagged them the camp duo of the 60's. As for Night of the Iguana, that's also a lesser Williams work. The biggies have always been Streetcar, The Glass Menagerie, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.  Not only were they all made into classic big screen films, with truly unforgettable performances (think Brando), they've be remade again and again. I don't think Boom! has been remade. And neither has Night of the Iguana.

Maybe that's why you're not seeing them on DVD, as of yet. But rest assured, they'll show up. There are literally thousands of movies not yet released to dvd. House of DS and Night of DS, for two. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, two major actresses, are poorly represented on DVD. Here's just a short list of films that have yet to be released:

(1) The Nanny (Davis)
(2) All This and Heaven Too (Davis)
(3) Cinderella (Disney)
(4) Song of the South (Disney)
(5) Possessed (Crawford)
(6) I'll Cry Tomorrow (Susan Hayward)
(7) Laura
(8 ) Berserk (Crawford)
(9) The Uninvited (Ray Milland)
(10) The Heiress (Olivia deHavilland)
(11) Letter From an Unknown Woman (Joan Fontaine)
(12) Jane Eyre (Fontaine)
(13) The Innocents (Deborah Kerr)
(14) Equus (Burton)
(15) Johnny Guitar (Joan Crawford)
(16) Mr. Skeffington (Davis)
(17) To Each his Own (deHavilland)
(18) many, many Doris Day films
(19) Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (Davis)
(20) The Anniversary (Davis)

The list goes on and on. It seems that most films from 1980 on up are on DVD. The older, classic films have slowly but surely been released. Before Night of the Iguana, I want the two DS movies on DVD!


Gee, I wonder what Tennessee Williams films you want that aren't on DVD yet--A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof have been released, along with Suddenly, Last Summer. Those seem to be the heavy-hitters in his catalog.  What else is there, besides stuff like Boom?


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